Monday, 13 December 2010

Introvert Personality

Do you hover on the fringes of parties? Get tongue-tied in work meetings? Struggle to make small talk?
Despite what other people might think, you’re probably not anti-social or unimaginative. It’s likely you’re an introvert — but in society’s eyes, that’s much worse.
Thanks to a tsunami of self-help books and so-called ‘confidence gurus’ we’ve been conditioned to admire and emulate the extroverts who dominate the party and rule the roost at the office.

Be proud not being loud

J.K. Rowling says she's one. So too is Gwyneth Paltrow. 

Click on this link to find out why experts say it's introverts who are quietly triumphing at work and at home

Friday, 10 December 2010

how to have a happy marriage

American scientists believe they've found a mathematical formula for the perfect marriage. Scientists at the "Love Lab" or the Relationship Research Institute in Seattle, Washington claim their predictions have 94% accuracy.
The formula was developed using data collected from a mountain of videotaped conversations between couples. Physiological data, such as pulse rates, also was collected and analysed.

Click here to read more : What is your formula for lasting love? How do you keep the romance alive?

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Self Confidence Tips

The new year is a time when we look forward to the year ahead, but also tend to examine last year's failures and successes. Everybody suffers from low self esteem at some point in their lives, but the feeling that we may have 'failed' at something over the past year can make us feel even less confident.
Experts believe that women are more prone to a lack of self confidence than men. Approximately eight out of 10 women are thought to suffer from a lack of self confidence, compared to just five in 10 men. 'This is because women have to ward off more attacks on their self esteem on a daily basis,' says Dr Roy Bailey, a psychotherapist with his own practice in Buckingham.

Click on this link for the full article: how to boost your self confidence in 7 days

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Anger Management Techniques

Feeling angry? How a spoonfull of sugar sweetens your mood.
The next time you are nearing the end of your tether, consider some time out with a chocolate bar.

High sugar levels can help control aggression and prevent loss of temper, researchers have found.
Their study compared the behaviour of sugar-starved volunteers with those who had been given a sweet drink, and concluded the latter were less inclined to snap.

Monday, 29 November 2010

How To Boost Memory

A cup of coffee is what millions of us rely on to kick-start the day.
But new research shows that morning pick-me-up has a much more potent effect on the brain if it is taken with sugar.
Scientists at the University of Barcelona in Spain found taking caffeine and sugar at the same time boosted the brain’s performance more than taking them on their own.
Researchers now believe each one boosts the effect of the other on brain functions such as attention span and working memory.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Boost Self Esteem

The Key To Happiness? Self Esteem
It is often said that money can't buy happiness, although there are plenty of hard-up people who find it difficult to believe.
Now psychologists claim to have the proof. A study has found that being rich and beautiful has little to do with over-all contentment.
Instead, it concluded that we are happiest when we feel in charge of our own lives;
Click here to read the full article Self Eseem The Key To Happiness

Thursday, 25 November 2010

How To Be Happy

Social scientists say money, possessions, power or fame don't actually make us happy - although sufficient funds can obviously ease one's life. 
Simple pleasures involving loving and feeling loved - and often nature - scored the most mentions: "walking with my dog and my boyfriend; seeing my mum's smile when I come home; seeing my daughter dance; finding out my best friend is pregnant".
Last autumn, a team of experts came together to create the Happiness Manifesto, which was trialled in the Making Slough Happy series on BBC TV. 

Sunday, 21 November 2010

How to... Our guide to boosting your self confidence - fast!

Focus on your personal confidence goals and write them down in the present tense, as if they're something you've already achieved (eg. 'I am positive about life').
Studies show that writing something down makes you more committed to it: pick a friend you trust and share your goals with them - you will increase your chance of achieving them by 33 per cent.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Psychic Ability - Can Humans See Into The Future ?

In a recent experiment, students were shown a list of words to memorise. Later they were asked to recall as many as they could and finally they were given a random selection of the words to type out.
They were better at remembering some words than others. These tended to be the words they would later be asked to type, suggesting a future event had affected their ability to remember.

Click here for the full do humas have psychic ability test results story

Saturday, 25 September 2010

The Book of Luck Review - Brilliant Ideas for Creating Your Own Success and Making Life Go Your Way


"...the authors reveal the seven personality traits that can bring you luck..." (Mail on Sunday – You magazine, 14th November 2004) "...the two writers clearly explain how to turn a situation to your advantage..." (easyJet Magazine, February 2005)
"...full of practical enjoyable read and a useful reminder to be positive, take advantage of opportunities and accept responsibility for your actions." (Edge, September 2005)

"...the authors reveal the seven personality traits that can bring you luck..." (Mail on Sunday – You magazine, 14th November 2004)
"...the two writers clearly explain how to turn a situation to your advantage..." (easyJet Magazine, February 2005)
" enjoyable read and a useful reminder to be positive, take advantage of opportunities and accept responsibility for your actions." (Edge, September 2005)

Product Description

Are some people just born lucky? The answer is no, people control their own fortunes. The Book of Luck will show you that there is a way to structure your luck and to bring success into your life and into your control. It will show you how to be lucky, always, demonstrating what has gone wrong in the past and outlining what you need to know for the future. Summers and Watson use extensive research and draw on their personal experiences both professionally and personally, to bring you a book crammed full of practical tips on how to turn the tide of your luck. This book will appeal to people who want to move up in life, people who have been made redundant, people who have plateaued in their careers and people who are ambitious for the next step – or simply people who want to make more of themselves in a business or personal context. The Book of Luck shows you how to:
  • choose your own luck
  • use social situations to increase your potential for luck
  • use your own personal strengths to increase your luck
  • choose how you respond to situations and maximise your luck
  • train your mind to expect long term success
  • develop a good luck mindset.

From the Inside Flap

Master The Book of Luck′s seven principles and you will find yourself being lucky, always. 1. CONTROL–ABILITY
Control–Ability is about choosing and flexing your response to events and situations that arise, no matter how difficult they may be.
Result? Less blaming the unkind hand of fate and more lucky breaks.
Stick–Ability is about perseverance, tenacity and following things through – even when the odds are against you. It is about finishing off what you start.
Result? Achieving goals no one else thought possible.
Risk–Ability is about having the confidence to take a chance rather than plumping for the safe bet. It means having an open mind and a willingness to think differently.
Result? More lucky opportunities will come your way.
Sense–Ability means using all your senses and feelings to heighten your awareness of lucky opportunities. It includes making the most of gut feeling and intuition.
Result? Having the confidence to rely on your inner voice.
Socia–Ability is the knack of relating easily to other people in a variety of contexts.
Result? More lucky coincidences.
Percept–Ability is all about how you look at life, events, yourself and others. Is your attitude to life optimistic? Do you shrug off (small) worries and concerns? If you do, this is true percept–ability!
Result? The ability to turn bad luck into good.
Person–Ability is knowing yourself well enough to recognise what works well for you and what can work against you.
Result? Being able to harness all your natural luck skills.

From the Back Cover

Some people are just born lucky. Right? Wrong. You have to create your own luck. The good news is, there are proven ways to become a luckier person and get the success you want in your life. In The Book of Luck, Heather Summers and Anne Watson reveal how to be lucky, always. They explain what has been missing for you in the past and outline what you need to know for the future. The Book of Luck is a must–read for those who want to move up in the world. It is crammed full of practical tips on how to turn the tide of your luck.
You will learn how to:

The Book of Luck includes a Luck Questionnaire that will enable you to check how lucky you already are – and to re–check your progress as your luck quotient increases.

About the Author

Heather Summers is an experienced senior executive who now runs her own successful human resources and management consultancy business. As well as strategic consultancy she specialises in executive coaching, personal growth coaching and training. Heather believes we all have much more potential than we give ourselves credit for. All the training that she is involved in, including the Luck Workshops she runs with Anne Watson, help people find and fulfil that potential. Heather holds an MBA, has an MA in English Literature and French, is qualified in Psychometrics and is a Master Practitioner of NLP. She is married with 2 children and lives in Harrogate.

Anne Watson runs an executive search business that focuses on finding high achieving executives for businesses, and works with teams to ensure that they achieve their potential. In 1998 she sold a successful business, gaining the freedom to work in those areas that she is most passionate about. This includes running Luck Workshops with Heather Summers and challenging participants to take charge of their own destiny and outperform their own expectations. She has an MA Hons in Hispanic Languages, speaks four other languages including Urdu, is a qualified psychometrician and is a Master Practitioner in NLP. She is married with 2 children and divides her time between London and Harrogate.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Secret of life

There are so many self-improvement products out there on the market, but none I’ve ever come across have made the bold promise that Chris D’Cruz of Universal Life Secrets has made. He promises to reveal to you the secrets of life and the universe, which in turn would give you “god-like” powers that will allow you to create your own destiny as you see fit.
The first time someone told me of the site’s outrageous claim, I laughed.
And then I visited to check it out for myself. What I found on the site was indeed the most outrageous claim I have ever read in all my time online. Surely you’d have to think that if someone promises not just the world, but the secrets of the entire universe and life in general, the claims may be a tad absurd.
Just for the sake of everyone who might not have checked out the site yet, basically Chris D’Cruz promises that in 30 short days, you’ll be able to accomplish practically anything you set your mind to, persuade anyone to do your bidding, attract anyone into your bed and give them (and yourself) the most mind-blowing sexual experience all night long.
And apparently, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
According to the site, some of the secrets he’ll reveal are “Irresistible Hypnotic Influence, Innate Psychic Ability, Supernatural Healing, Indomitable Sexual Prowess, The Cosmic Omnipotent Knowledge Of Life And The Universe”.
I don’t know what kept me on the site, but I read what this Chris D’Cruz had to say about his secrets. And the more I read, the more I was intrigued by the guy’s promises of self empowerment and sexual confidence/prowess. Like I said, I’ve never seen any claim as bold as this guy’s.

By the time I finished reading everything he had to say, I wanted to know more. I was really curious as to why he seemed so confident that these secrets would change anyone’s life in 30 days. I figured if these “secrets” turned out to be hogwash I would just use the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee and get a refund.
And you know what?
Turns out these secrets aren’t hogwash at all.
What Chris D’Cruz has done is live up to his promise of the world (or universe) and provide a comprehensive collection of the best material on self empowerment and sexual confidence/prowess that can never be found anywhere else. The secrets revealed are impressive, with easy implementation and integration into one’s daily life, and techniques rarely seen in any self help books I’ve read.
I’ve applied some of these techniques and surprisingly they work; the empowerment secrets have instilled a new confidence that I never thought existed in me. In turn, this newfound confidence translates to greater chances of me actually “scoring” whenever I’m out and about in the clubs and pubs.
So is Universal Life Secrets worth looking at?
From my own personal experience, I’d have to say yes. In a rare show of confidence, Chris D’Cruz actually delivers on his promises of the world, and if you take a chance on Universal Life Secrets, you’ll see that you truly will have the world in the palm of your hand.

=> http://www.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Click: The Magic of Instant Connections Review

Product Description

In a book that combines psychology and sociology with an insightful understanding of human interactions, Ori and Rom Brafman have written a compelling narrative that helps us to understand the magic behind those moments when we form an incredible connection with other people, or which cause us to become fully engaged in whatever we are doing. In a page-turning narrative in the fashion of their previous book, "Sway", the co-authors explore those peak moments in our lives when people or hobbies or activities fully engage our attention - when they 'click' with us. Drawing from recent research in psychology and sociology, and told through the same kinds of engaging stories that made "Sway" a "New York Times" bestseller, "Click" takes us on a roller coaster journey of discovery into those moments in our lives when we are 'in the zone' - when the rest of the world drops away and everything seems to fall into place.

About the Author

Ori Brafman is an organisational business consultant, and the co-author of the New York Times bestseller Sway and the critically acclaimed book The Starfish and the Spider. He lectures internationally in front of Fortune 500, government and military audiences. He holds an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business. Rom Brafman is a psychologist with a private practice in Palo Alto, California and the co-author of Sway. He has won awards for excellence in teaching and promoting positive human growth. They both live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

For more details click on the link below =>

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

For Blink, Malcolm Gladwell, author of the bestselling The Tipping Point explores the extraordinarily perceptive and deceptive power of the sub-conscious mind. Gladwell’s major claim is that decisions made very quickly can be every bit as good as a decision made cautiously and deliberately. What we are actually doing is what Gladwell calls ‘thin-slicing’. When we leap to a decision or have a hunch our unconscious is sifting through the situation in front of us looking for a pattern, throwing out the irrelevant information and zeroing in on what really matters. Our unconscious mind is so good at this that it often delivers a better answer than more deliberate and protracted ways of thinking. Much of this is utterly mysterious but some of the most astonishing and useful examples of thin-slicing can be learned.

Gladwell hopes to convince us that our snap judgements and first impressions can be educated and controlled so instead of merely praising the mysterious process of instinct and intuition he is interested in those moments when our instincts betray us, the situations where our powers of rapid cognition can go awry, where we fail to read the signs. Most disturbing of all is the degree to which culturally determined preconceptions and prejudices control us. Without reducing matters to racism and sexism Gladwell shows us that there are facts about people’s appearance—their size or shape or color or sex—that can trigger a very similar set of powerful associations which explains why utter mediocrities (such as U.S. President Warren Harding) can sometimes end up in positions of enormous responsibility; or why tall people earn substantially more than their shorter colleagues; or why car salesmen unconsciously charge prices according to race and gender.

Gladwell’s conversational prose style is concise, informative, accessible and entertaining. The stories, scientific findings and psychological tests are consistently surprising whether he is dealing with speed-dating, record promotions, police shoot-outs, the human face, or the reasons doctors get sued. --Larry Brown END --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Product Description

Intuition is not some magical property that arises unbidden from the depths of our mind. It is a product of long hours and intelligent design, of meaningful work environments and particular rules and principles. This book shows us how we can hone our instinctive ability to know in an instant, helping us to bring out the best in our thinking and become better decision-makers in our homes, offices and in everyday life. Just as he did with his revolutionary theory of the tipping point, Gladwell reveals how the power of ‘blink’ could fundamentally transform our relationships, the way we consume, create and communicate, how we run our businesses and even our societies.You’ll never think about thinking in the same way again.
Click on the link below for more reviews=>

Learn how to instantly detect any lie by listening to what a person says and the way that they speak

Have you ever been having a conversation with someone, say, in the office, at home or out-and-about and doubted the truthfulness of something they’ve said? If you’re like most people, you no doubt have. It’s a frustrating position to be in. Even though you might suspect one or more of their statements to be false, you have no proof and can’t really risk accusing them for fear of being wrong, upsetting them and making a really bad impression. But what about if you aren’t with them face-to-face and talking on the phone instead or even listening to a message they’ve left you on your answering machine? Your job, of accurately judging whether or not what they’re saying is the truth or a lie is made even harder. You can’t look at their eyes, view their body language or use any other visual clue to help you decide on whether or not they’re trustworthy. So what CAN you do? Well, you can use natural lie detection techniques to get a good grasp on what they’re saying and, most importantly, whether it’s been made-up, twisted or is the entire truth. Let’s look at 4 ways in which people alter or change the way they speak or the words they use when they lie to you. Listen out for each one whenever you want to tell if someone is lying to you, either over the phone or face-to-face.

Sign #1: NEGATIVITY. Liars know that when they try to deceive someone they’re breaking an unspoken moral and social code – lying, to any normal, decent person – is plain wrong 99% of the time. Because what they’re saying is negative, they themselves feel a sense of negativity and cynicism, which leaks out in the words they choose to use. For example, a liar might say: ““I wasn’t there when the fire started,” instead of, “I was at home when the fire broke out.” Or “I never tell lies,” instead of, “I always tell the truth.”

Sign #2: SELF-REFERENCING. When trying to deceive others, people frequently want to psychologically distance themselves from the lie or lies they’re telling. They often do this by decreasing the amount of times they use self-referencing. For example, they might say: “That car was in the driveway. God knows how it could cause an accident at the same time.” An honest person is much more likely to not worry about referencing themselves in their statement, and might instead say: “My car was parked in my driveway. I don’t know how it could possibly have been on the road and caused an accident at the same time.”

Sign #3: VERBAL DISCLAIMERS. There’s a type of verbal deceit signal that many liars use that actually occurs before they tell you a lie, rather than during or after. They are called verbal disclaimers. They consist of sentences that precede a lie, which ‘prep’ the person who’s about to be deceived in an attempt to lessen the chance of them suspecting dishonesty or becoming suspicious of the liar’s claims. For example, saying things like: “I know you probably won’t believe this…” And “I can assure you…”

Sign #4: SPEECH SPEED. Because of the complicated mental task of constructing a lie and the equally tricky task of expressing it in words convincingly, liars often unknowingly slow down their speech speed to help their brains cope. As well as slowing down the speed at which they talk to give themselves extra time to think up what they’re going to next, liars also do it because they know that speaking more slowly gives their statements more weight. It also allows the person or people listening to take in everything the liar’s saying, which decreases the chances of them asking further questions, thereby lessening the chance of the liar being caught out.

There you have it: 4 verbal signs you can spot to ascertain whether or not someone is lying to you. The great thing about knowing these 4 signs, and the dozens of other signs and pieces of info we haven’t covered here, is that 99.999% of people HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THEM and cannot therefore try to avoid exhibiting them to keep up their con.

Simon Cruise is the expert author of Detect Deceit, a revolutionary guide that details how anyone can learn to become a master of lie detection, with the ability to analyze the things people say and do and instantly judge whether or not they can be trusted.Find out more at:

Friday, 27 August 2010

How To Achieve All Your Desires

The first step in making changes in your life is always the
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Friday, 20 August 2010

How to Tell If Someone’s Lying Just From Looking At Their Hands…

It’s a fact: other people’s lies make our lives more difficult. They distort and twist the truth, con us into believing things never happened, or took place when they shouldn’t have. There are literally thousands and thousands of ways people’s untruths and falsehoods taint and make living our daily lives more of an effort than it really should be.

So what can we do about it?

How can we put a stop to lies the second we hear them and reveal the real truth, the actual facts, the exact situation?

The answer is natural lie detection – techniques, strategies and knowledge that give a person the rare and invaluable ability to separate the real from the fake and always know what to believe and what to question.

So, what does it consist of? Well, natural lie detection uses no machines, test papers, no video or audio recordings. It is, as the name suggests, a science based on human perception and skill.

It has 3 main components. They are the interpretation and analysis of: body language, psychology, and verbal communication. By having a deep and expert knowledge of all three, you can become capable of spotting 99 out of 100 lies, whether they’re spoken over the phone, in person or even over the internet or via text message. Although learning these special techniques isn’t difficult when you have the time and proper reading material, it does require more space to explain than this short article allows. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t go over one way many liars give themselves away. This collection of principles falls under the body language category of natural lie detection and focuses solely on how a dishonest person uses, or avoids using, their hands when they’re being deceitful. There are 3 main hand-related signals of deceptiveness.

Signal #1: HAND GESTURE FREQUENCY. People use their hands to visually illustrate and emphasise their statements – it’s a way of painting an abstract picture in the air to better help the person or people they’re talking to understand the concepts being covered. When someone lies, however, their mind works differently to how it normally operates. Their thought process is dominated by the act of being dishonest convincingly and they therefore tend to change how they use their hands. The first change you should look for is in how often they gesticulate with their hands while talking. The majority of people, when they lie, lessen the amount of movements they make with their hands because they subconsciously want to restrict the volume of information being given to the person they’re lying to – out of fear of saying too much, either verbally or physically, and getting caught out or questioned. More proficient liars, or people who have rehearsed or planned a lie before telling it, actually tend to increase the frequency of their hand gestures. They’ll slice the air more with the blade of their hand or point their finger and clench their fists more frequently to illustrate and back-up what they’re saying. So, in short, look for a marked difference between the amount of hand gesticulations a person uses when in normal, day-to-day, obviously truthful conversation and when you suspect they may be lying to you or have a good reason to twist or otherwise alter the truth.

Signal #2: HAND-TO-FACE ACTIONS. The second signal you should look out for is an increase in the number of hand-to-face actions a person makes when you think they could be lying. The main reason they touch their faces more often when lying than when telling the truth is because of the internal social pressure they’re feeling, which leaks out in the form of hand-to-face actions. Look for moments when the person momentarily covers their mouth with their hand or fingers. This is a subconscious attempt to stifle themselves and physically block the lie from leaving their lips – they do this to futilely try to block their falsehood from reaching you and thereby decrease the chance of getting caught and lessen their feeling of guilt. However, many people are on some level aware of how mouth covers may be interpreted (as a sign that they’re lying) so instead try to camouflage the action by instead lightly touching their nose (which indirectly covers their mouth with their hand). Another reason many liars touch their noses is because of the increased blood-flow that occurs in its deep tissues, which creates an almost imperceptible tingle that, although not consciously felt and reacted to, causes the liar to unwittingly touch their nose for a moment. So, always keep an eye out for increased hand-to-face actions, especially those that cover a person’s mouth in some way or another.

Signal #3: THE HAND SHRUG. When people don’t know the answer to something or want to convey the messages: “I’m not sure,” or “I don’t care,” they often lift and quickly drop their shoulders in a shrugging motion. A variation of shoulder shrugging is the hand shrug: a quick lifting and dropping of one or both upturned hands. Like shrugging with the shoulders, it’s a way of expressing a type of diminished responsibility in regards to an issue or topic – and that’s why liars tend to overuse the hand shrug while being dishonest. Instead of using it only to accompany words that express a feeling of uncertainty or ambivalence – the way people do when being honest – liars use the hand shrug alongside verbal statements that don’t relate to “not knowing” or “not caring.” They do this subconsciously to distance themselves from the lie they’re telling.

Look for these 3 signs of potential dishonesty whenever you suspect someone might be lying and you’ll be a step closer to becoming a true master of deceit detection – a human lie detector.

Simon Cruise is the expert author of Detect Deceit, a revolutionary guide that details how anyone can learn to become a master of lie detection, with the ability to analyze the things people say and do and instantly judge whether or not they can be trusted. Find out more at http://

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Secrets of the Amazing Kreskin: The World's Foremost Mentalist Reveals How You Can Expand Your Powers


Reveals how readers can use their own latent mental powers to accomplish effects that resemble telepathy, clairvoyance, and hypnosis--through completely natural means.

Click on the link below for all reviews =>

Monday, 16 August 2010

Developing Will Power and Self Discipline

by Remez Sasson

Most people admire and respect strong individuals, who have won great success by manifesting will power and self discipline. They admire people, who with sheer will power, self discipline and ambition, have improved their life, learned new skills, overcame difficulties and hardships, reduced their weight, rose high in their chosen field or advanced on the spiritual path.

The truth is that everyone can reach high levels of will power and self-discipline through a practical method of training. These inner power are not reserved for a few special people.

Will power and self discipline are two of the most important and useful inner powers in everyone's life, and have always been considered as essential tools for success in all areas of life. They can be learned and developed like any other skill, yet, in spite of this, only few take any steps to develop and strengthen them in a systematic way.

What is will power?
It is the inner strength to make a decision, take action, and handle and execute any aim or task until it is accomplished, regardless of inner and outer resistance, discomfort or difficulties.

It bestows the ability to overcomes laziness, temptations and negative habits, and to carry out actions, even if they require effort, are unpleasant and tedious or are contrary to one's habits.

What is self discipline?
It is the rejection of instant gratification in favor of something better. It is the giving up of instant pleasure and satisfaction for a higher and better goal.

It manifests as the ability to stick to actions, thoughts and behavior, which lead to improvement and success. Self-discipline is self-control, and it manifests in spiritual, mental, emotional and physical discipline.

The purpose of self-discipline is not living a limiting or a restrictive lifestyle. It does not mean being narrow minded or living like a fakir. It is one of the pillars of success and power. It bestows the inner strength to focus all your energy on your goal, and persevere until it is accomplished.

Both of these abilities are required for daily actions and decisions, and also for making major decisions and attaining major success. They are required for doing a good job, for studying, building a business, losing weight, bodybuilding and physical exercises, maintaining good relationships, changing habits, self improvement, meditation, spiritual growth, keeping and carrying out promises and for almost everything else.

One of the most simple and effective methods to develop will power and self-discipline is by refusing to satisfy unimportant and unnecessary desires. Everyone is constantly confronted and tempted by an endless stream of desires and temptations, many of which are not really important or desirable. By learning to refuse to satisfy every one of them, you get stronger.

Refusing and rejecting useless, harmful or unnecessary desires and actions, and intentionally acting contrary to your habits, sharpen and strengthen your inner strength. By constant practice your inner power grows, just like exercising your muscles at a gym increases your physical strength. In both cases, when you need inner power or physical strength, they are available at your disposal.

Here are a few exercises:
- Don't read the newspaper for a day or two.
- Drink water when thirsty, in spite of your desire to have a soft drink.
- Walk up and down the stairs, instead of taking the lift.
- Get down from the bus one station before or after your destination, and walk the rest of the way.
- For one week, go to sleep one hour earlier than usual.
- If you like ice cream, don't have any, for a day or two.

These are only a few examples to show how you can develop your will power and self-discipline. You may think that practicing such exercises is being tough on yourself, maybe a little, but they add so much to the storehouse of your inner strength. By following a systematic method of training you can reach far, have more control over yourself and your life, attain your goals, improve your life, and gain satisfaction and peace of mind.

© Copyright Remez Sasson

Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, self-improvement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation. He is the author of several books, among which are "Peace of mind in Daily Life", "Will Power and Self Discipline", "Visualize and Achieve" and "Affirmations - Words of Power".

Visit his website and find articles and books filled with inspiration, motivation and practical advice and guidance.
Website: http://

Show and prove to yourself that you are strong and in control, and practice the above exercises for a little while, before passing any judgement on them.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

How to Find to a New Job 65% Faster

Mary Berman, from Farmington Hills, Michigan,
had been looking
for work since February 2009 before
starting her Guerrilla
Job Search, in mid-September.

Up to that point, 20 weeks of job hunting had
produced zero job interviews.

Just 7 weeks later, she accepted a job on
November 12, as a marketing executive assistant.

How did she use Guerrilla job hunting tactics
to find work 65% faster?

"I started with the Coffee Cup Caper.
I sent a paper Starbucks coffee cup with my
cover letter and Guerrilla Resume. I heard back
from them a couple days later to get my first
interview," says Berman.

After her first interview, which went well,
Berman followed up with panache.

"It was Halloween time, so I decided to
send them a chocolate covered apple with my
hand-written thank-you note attached. A friend
of mine, who was off work that day, played
delivery person and took it to [the employer].
That was a big hit -- they were thrilled -- and
I got the second interview out of it."

Berman's second interview was with the
executive vice president. Afterwards,
she followed up diligently. "When I came home,
I wrote a 30-60-90 day plan. I had taken copious
notes during the interview and used that information
given to create suggestions for what I would do in
the first 30, 60, and 90 days. I sent that to them
via FedEx with another thank-you note. And I
got a job offer."

Now. Let's break this successful Guerrilla Job Search down ...

1. Start smart

The Coffee Cup Caper -- a paper Starbucks cup,
full-color Guerrilla Resume, and a Guerrilla
Cover Letter (asking to meet for coffee),
shipped in a box -- gets extraordinary results.
By contrast, ordinary resumes and cover letters,
sent by email, get ordinary results.

2. Follow up with style

Delivering a Halloween treat with her
thank-you note was correct seasonally,
if not politically. Use good judgment before
sending items that might be perceived as bribes
by employers sensitive to such things.
In Berman's case, however, it worked like
a (chocolate-covered) charm.

And, leaving out the gift, could you arrange
to have your thank-you note delivered by a courier,
or a friend posing as one? Of course.

3. Give employers another reason to hire you

Mary did this in spades after her second interview,
when she sent a written plan of action for her first
3 months on the job.

A 30-60-90 day plan is a way of proving you
can do the work -- before you're even on
the payroll -- by describing how you would learn the job,
build rapport with employees/customers,
and contribute to the bottom line.

Mary's plan was 8 pages long and took the better
part of a Friday night to prepare.
(Before you balk at spending an entire evening at
home researching and writing a 30-60-90 day plan,
ask yourself if you wouldn't trade a night out
for getting a steady paycheck again.)

4. Score style points with your delivery

Mary's first follow-up, the chocolate-apple-thank-you note,
was delivered by a courier, not by email. Her 30-60-90 day
plan was delivered by FedEx, not by email.

Do you NOT see a pattern? Email should NOT be the
sole delivery method for your career documents.

Bottom line: This smart Guerrilla had failed
to get even one job interview in 20 weeks of
conventional job hunting with conventional tactics.

After adopting unconventional Guerrilla tactics,
she found work in only 7 weeks.

If Guerrilla job search methods can work in Michigan,
where the unemployment rate tops 15%, they can work
where you live. The only thing stopping you from
thinking and acting like a Guerrilla is you.

Resource: The same Guerrilla Resumes and Cover
Letters Mary used are: http://

Thursday, 12 August 2010

The Success Principles: How to get from where you are to where you want to be Review

Product Description

Jack Canfield reveals the simple set of rules for success that led him to become the multi-million copy bestselling author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and shows how anyone can follow these principles to achieve their own dreams. / Greater levels of performance and achievement are attainable by anyone. This book offers the proven self-empowerment tools and time-tested performance strategies that are the basis for personal and professional success. / Jack Canfield has become the author of over 50 best-selling books by following these principles -- here he reveals how they can help you to take on greater challenges, produce break-through results and achieve undreamed of success. / With the Ten-Step Action Plan you will learn how to: -- Take responsibility for your life -- Set goals and manage time -- Invest in developing knowledge and core skills -- Face up to what isn't working and stay motivated -- Focus on your unique abilities -- Transcend other people's limiting opinions and much more. / Decide what you want, believe you deserve it and practise the principles, and with these powerful new habits you can experience astonishing opportunities and extraordinary results in all aspects of your life, from your career to your relationships.

About the Author

Jack Canfield has sold more than 80 million books worldwide under the Chicken Soup for the Soul brand. He holds the Guinness Book World Record for having seven books simultaneously on the New York Times bestseller list. Janet Switzer is a marketing expert and one of America's top speakers and coaches. She's counseled more than 50,000 companies and entrepreneurs worldwide and is founder and editor of Leading Experts e-news magazine. She has a particularly loyal following of women entrepreneurs.

Click on the link below for more reviews =>

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Life's Little Detours: 50 Lessons to Find and Hold onto Happiness Review


"When Regina Brett turned 50, the American writer and broadcaster made an insightful, funny and illuminating list of 50 lessons she had learned about everything from having fun to forgiving, loving and grabbling live with both hands. Here are four of our favourites..Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone..Don't save anything for a special occasion. Today is special enough..Over-prepare then go with the flow..No-one is in charge of your happiness. You are the CEO of your joy." (EASY LIVING - August 2010 )

Product Description

'You can get through anything life hands you if you stay put in the day you are in and don't jump ahead.' When Regina Brett turned fifty, she wrote a column on the fifty lessons life had taught her. She reflected on everything she had learned through becoming a single parent, looking for love in the wrong places, battling cancer and making peace with a difficult childhood. Here, in the tradition of The Last Lecture, Tuesdays with Morrie, Simple Abundance and Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, Regina takes her fifty lessons and explores them in short essays that are deeply personal. From 'Don't take yourself too seriously - nobody else does' to 'Life isn't tied up with a bow, but it's still a gift,' her warm and wise words will strike a chord with anyone who needs little help to get back on track and feel good about life.
Click on the link below for more reviews=>

Sunday, 8 August 2010

How Would you Like To Say Goodbye To Your Power Bill...?

Have you found yourself frustrated due to the ever-rising power bills?
I have found myself struggling with the same problem as well,

But now, there is a solution. Did you know that you can generate your own
electric energy, using a magnetic energy generator.
It works by itself, and it produces absolutely free energy.

It's called Magniwork, visit the following link to find out more :

>> http://

It is getting widely popular and people are starting to massively implement
these generators, and completely eliminate their power bills.
Proceed to:>>> Your AffLink

Also, They're currently running a special discount, and I have never seen
Magniwork being priced so low. However, I have some 'inside' information
that this offer is only going to last for
a few days only, so you better take advantage of it, before the price goes back up

=> http://

p.s They're so sure that this will slash your power bill, that they're
even offering an unconditonal 60 day money back guarantee!!

Confidential Publishing

Saturday, 31 July 2010

The Secrets Of Successful Traders Review

The author states-
Would you like to turn your meager amount of $1000 into $1 Million
trading stocks by the end of Year 2012- guaranteed?

Check out for more info and free sample chapters:


Take my words, it's POSSIBLE and I've over 5,675 satisfied customers
to support what I am saying.

And you know what the best part is ... if you can increase your
initial amount then you can acheive the same target in much lesser

Everything is explained in this 120 pages Ebook step-by-step with
the help of examples, graphs, pictures and snap shots.

Give it shot... if you don't like it, I'll refund your money and
give you *EXTRA $200 cash* from my own pocket just for trying my


Because I am confident... it'll work for anybody in the world. Have
you seen anything like that before?

But you must ACT NOW... For complete details and free sample pages
from the EBook, check out:


You could waste months (and thousands of dollars) - trying to
figure out what really works in the stock market.

Or you could save yourself the frustration, time and mistakes by
following my Fail-Proof strategy in order to compete with those 10%
people who consistently make money from the stock market.

Best Regards,
confidential publishing

Friday, 30 July 2010

Tips To Build Your Self Esteem

One of the most difficult challenges in a person�s life is to battle with his or her own sense of self esteem. It is a part of a person�s psychological makeup that is in a constant state of flux and if it is allowed to sink to a low enough point, it can be quite destructive to that person�s life. It impacts the choices, habits, and opportunities in that individual�s life. It changes the person�s perspective on what is achievable, and decreases the size of his or her potential.

For this reason, it is easy to see why building self confidence is such a vital practice in anybody�s life. It is a basic need that must be filled in order to be happy or to be able to consider existence to be worthwhile. If success is desired, then a high sense of self will have to be one of the key ingredients for achieving it.

Anybody can learn to build their own self esteem. They just need to be willing to learn the right tips and techniques and then to work to apply them in their own lives. This doesn�t take that much time and requires only an open mind. The result, however, is that the world suddenly becomes your oyster!

Use the following tips to get you started:

1. Think back to a time that you accomplished something. It doesn�t need to be something dramatic like winning a Nobel prize. Just remember a time when you achieved something that made you feel good about yourself. Every now and again, allow yourself the opportunity to relive that moment, feeling all of the emotions, the confidence, and the satisfaction that went along with it.

2. Occasionally, step outside of your comfort zone. This doesn�t mean that you need to do something drastic. Just break the routine and try something new. Baby steps are the first ones to take toward building your confidence and sense of self-worth and self-love.

3. Give praise when praise is due � to yourself! When you do something right or do it well, give yourself a pat on the back. You earned it!

The next step is to download a copy of a good book such as How to Build Self Esteem, which will guide you toward more significant growths in your level of self esteem.The next step is to download a copy of a good book such as �How to Build Self Esteem�, which will guide you toward more significant growths in your level of self esteem. For instant access click on this link => http://

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Authority Job Killer Review

Often, we purchase eBooks only to find that 80% of what is written inside is just plain theories and talk that cannot be applied in our business at all. Most authors would write all sorts of unnecessary fluff and keep talking about things that is totally not helpful -- that was what I actually had in mind when I first purchased Authority Job Killer.

I got retrenched a year back and since then I’ve been trying to find a job to no avail. Surfing the net one day, I got in contact with the Internet Business world and got really interested; after all, who wouldn’t be tempted to join in the supposedly “quickest and easiest” way to making big bucks.

Frustrated with the tons of eBooks which I’ve purchased that didn’t helped much, I bought Authority Job Killer with a slight expectation of it been like the rest but to my pleasant surprise, it wasn’t like the other products out there at all. It was one of the best that I’ve ever seen.

The 52-page long Authority Job Killer manual may seem just a little thin compared to those 100-odd pages long products out there but I’m telling you this -- Quality definitely beats quantity. All the pages were filled with techniques and strategies that we can use and implement immediately (and yes, you can see results within a short period of time too!) I especially liked the way they explained the ‘Funnel System’ and how to ‘upgrade’ your list and make them willingly pay more for your products. It was a great idea and when I started implementing it, I was making more money that before.

=> http://

The three-step system was easy to follow and quick to set up. I’ve made up to 4 Figures a month just by using the AJK method in running my business. Out of so many ebooks that I’ve bought all these months, I think Authority Job Killer is one of the best that I’ve invested in.

Why not take a look too?

=> http://

I’m sure you’d like it as much as I did!

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Happiness Now!: Timeless Wisdom for Feeling Good Fast Review

How often do you find yourself using the phrase: ‘This is all too good to be true’ or ‘All good things come to an end’? It is all too common a belief that in order to be happy you must earn, deserve, work and pay for it. Happiness is for tomorrow. Today is for well-behaved hardship, martyrdom and quiet desperation.

With a combination of stories, exercises, meditations, poetry and prayer, Robert focuses on keys to emotional healing, true self-acceptance, relationships, inner confidence, and pure peace of mind. Challenging, helpful, visionary and practical, Happiness Now! shows how we can begin to enjoy the happiness we truly deserve.

Click on the link below to see more reviews =>

Sunday, 25 July 2010

4 Easy Steps to Stop Procrastination

Are you a victim of procrastination? Do you often find yourself unable to meet deadlines because you spent too much time in front of the TV, cooking or even sleeping? Well, I was exactly like that just a few years ago. But, that’s now Past. These days, I can set goals and achieve them easily without any complaints. And you can do the same. Here’s a few tips to get you started.

1. Plan your daily must-do activities. Draw up a to-do list; preferably, write it down on paper; or, use a computer if you prefer. And, include all the MUST do’s in your list. These are things that must be done today. Period.

2. Prioritize the activities, the more important ones taking precedence over the less important. If there are urgent things to do, but not important enough to be worried about if not done, put them below the important ones. The idea is based on the established principle that 80% of rewards come from 20% of effort directed towards accomplishing important work.

3. Start working: Even if the deadline is 5 days from now or a month from now, starting out on an important project will help you avoid stress and do it well. When you start a major project just the day of the deadline, you are bound to stress out and leave out important points. Get in the habit of starting things before the deadline.

4. Start working bit by bit. Things may seem like huge mountains at first but it is important to stay calm. Just start working on the project or task on hand and don’t worry about getting it perfect. You still have a lot of time to iron out the details. Remember to start well before the deadline so you can focus on finishing the task and then ironing out the details. Trying to get everything right on first attempt is the best excuse used by procrastinators!

Procrastination is a deadly disease and it not only kills motivation but also your chances of success. Stop procrastinating right now and start achieving your goals. You can learn more about getting rid of procrastination and how to manage your time to achieve all your goals by visiting: http://

Thursday, 22 July 2010

How to Attract A Woman: The Best Ways to Handle Physical Contact

Touching/physical contact is an absolutely vital component of seduction. You can’t successfully pick-up a girl without first establishing a basic level of mutual tactility – I.E. Before you can move in for the kill by kissing and/or sleeping with her, you MUST first have a regular, healthy amount of touching that works both ways: she flirtatiously puts her hand on your knee, you encircle her waist with your arm and pull her a little closer – whatever form the physical contact takes, it has to be present for you to achieve your final goal of actual seduction. And that right there is where the problem for many men lies: how can a guy get the ball rolling when it comes to tactility and physical closeness? If the girl’s not being tactile, how can a guy develop mutual physical closeness without freaking her out or scaring her away?

Often men just “go for it” and consequently end up making the girl feel uncomfortable or even slightly violated because of their rushed attempt at physical closeness. Other men decide they don’t want to risk putting a girl off, so hold back any kind of touching or bodily contact – doing so usually sends out the wrong message, that the guy is either not interested in the girl, or that he’s simply too timid to show it, neither of which are attractive scenarios in the mind of a good-looking, fun-loving girl. Okay, so what’s the solution to this awkward problem?

Quite simply, you just need to follow a few basic rules or procedures, all of which conform to the personal boundaries of most girl (and therefore don’t appear uncalled for or rushed) but at the same time clearly indicate that you’re a confident guy who’s not afraid of getting to know girls and even showing it through casual, relaxed physical contact. So, let’s take a look.

1. Many men think that touching a girl in any way when they first meet them is an absolute no-no. But that’s simply not true. To form a positive, strong first impression and create an immediate bond with a girl when you first introduce yourself or get talking, casually and gently touch the outside of her right arm while at the same time verbally expressing something. The outside of a woman’s arm is not intimate enough a place for the touch to feel strange or out-of-place, but at the same time it’s a clear-cut sign that you’re a personable, socially adept kind of guy. Don’t be afraid to give it a try – you’ll notice the benefits immediately.

2. Once you’ve started a conversation with a girl, or when you randomly find yourself chatting to a woman you really like the look of, it’s important to keep up the physical contact. Doing so helps maintain the bond and rapport you’ve already created and also helps build it further, into mutually felt sexual attraction. You can use something called ‘Stealth Tactility’ to do this. Quite simply, stealth tactility involves making physical contact with the girl in a disguised way. For example, if she wants to go to the bar or bathroom but doesn’t know the way, you can use stealth tactility by placing your hand on her shoulder, drawing her in a little closer, swivelling both of your bodies round until you face in the right direction, then point past other people or obstacles with your other hand to where she needs to go.

3. Lastly, always try to use a ‘contact close’ when you finish your conversation with a girl. For example, after swapping numbers or arranging to meet again, give her a kiss on the cheek or a hug and a kiss. Many men think that the hard work’s been done once something’s been arranged for a later date, but making physical contact before you part with a girl is always a great way of ensuring she remembers you and really cannot wait to see you again.

Tiffany Taylor is the female author of GuyGetsGirl, a special guide that reveals for the first time what goes on the minds of women AND how men can use special psychological and social techniques to attract and seduce them – regardless of their looks, bank balance or the car they drive.

For More Details Visit => Attract And Seduce Women Today

Monday, 19 July 2010

Discover Life on Your Terms Review

Discover Life on Your Terms by Mike Mott

Mike's great new book is perhaps one of the easiest reads I've had in a ong time on the subject of Life enhancement - and believe me, I've
read a lot! The trouble with most books on this subject is that they
usually contain in excess of 300 pages, which, when you're busy can
take an age to read and digest.

This valuable and life strengthening book is succinct, interesting, and well thought-out but with good sound and sensible advice for the non-professional. It is immensely persuasive and for many this could be just the motivational kick start you need.

The practical recommendations are inspiring and you don't need to have a fortune in the bank, to become vegetarian or ever wear
orange and a leotard! It is for anybody who sees themselves in a rut or
going through a difficult period in their life. You can literally
change your life for the better if you are willing to put these
positive instructions into action.

Thank you for sharing this with me, Mike. Anyone who reads this will
benefit greatly from your wisdom.

more details visit=> http://www.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Subliminal Persuasion Techniques

Subliminal persuasion is the way of getting another party to agree with you without outwardly doing so and without the other person noticing that you were trying to persuade him or her. A lot of people do not even notice that they have been won over by a simple smile - thus, making even that a tool for subliminal persuasion. It is essential in becoming an influential leader.

You can subliminally persuade another person through two techniques: via his or her own words, and via inflection, or the particular words we give emphasis to in a given statement. A simple sentence like "I can't assure you that" can have a lot of meanings, depending on which word you have inflected. See the examples below.

I can't assure you that. (But somebody else probably can)

I can't assure you that. (No way that will happen!)

I can't assure you that. (But, if you're lucky, you might get it.)

I can't assure you that. (But I can if it's somebody else.)

I can't assure you that. (Maybe I can assure you something else.)

Giving off what we mean via inflection is subtle. It will also help spare you from being overtly direct, especially if you're the type who hates the thought of turning someone down. Understanding which words to emphasize will save you from this awkward moment (yet you still get to have things go your way).

Another way to subliminally persuade other people is to have them eventually agree with you without them noticing it (because they thought it was their idea). This is a rather tricky method of persuasion and not many people might agree with it. But, hey, it works!

When negotiating, repeat what the other person said and then show how you will be able to achieve what they want for them. Be consistent so you don't run the risk of contradicting yourself. As long as you have what the other party needs, you hold an advantage.

Here's an example. Let's say you're trying to sell used cars to a friend. After listening to the other person tell you what he or she is looking for in a used car, emphasize the items being sought in the vehicles you have in your roster. It will be difficult for the other party to say 'no' since you already have what he or she said he or she needed. This is what subliminal persuasion is; and when employed the right way, it works like a charm every time.

There's nothing bad about using such clever persuasion techniques to get what you want. That's the way life is played. This is how the rest of the world operates. The important thing is always go for the win-win resolution. If your persuasion skills are powerful enough (and even cunning enough), you'll have no trouble winning people over.

Some like to call this influence; some argue this is foolery. However you might choose to view it, it is effective. And it won't be a surprise if you attempt to employ these effective strategies in the future; that is, if you haven't already applied them in the past.

About the Author:

Michael Lee is the author of the highly-acclaimed How To Be An Expert Persuader... In 20 Days or Less. This power-packed course reveals mind-altering persuasion secrets to turbocharge your earnings, win lots of friends, captivate the opposite sex, and make anyone subconsciously like and trust you. If you want to easily and quickly persuade anyone to eagerly do anything you want, go to now! Special surprise gift awaits you.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

500 Lovemaking Tips ­ Book Review

One of the biggest challenges couples in long-term relationships face is trying to keep their lovemaking red, hot and steamy. Early on in a relationship, the passion and newness of your lovemaking is always unforgettable; but, as that initial magic fades, it becomes harder to make things exciting again.

So is “500 Lovemaking Tips and Secrets” by acclaimed author Michael Webb the right book to bring back the fire? Here’s my take on it.

The book begins with a general foundation and understanding on lovemaking, briefly discussing topics like bedroom toys, adult films, the importance of romance for lovemaking, and interesting truths about Kama Sutra. It also contains a lubrication guide and 16 fully illustrated lovemaking positions in the back of the book. These are all nice touches, but the main attraction and bulk of the book is the 500+ tips.

I have to say, I really LOVE that you can open the book, pick a page and have between 8 ­ 10 easy-to-read tips ready to inspire or use right away. No need to read through dozens of long-winded paragraphs. Everything is formatted neatly and is very easy on the eyes. This is a big plus when you’re just about to make love spur-of-the-moment and you want some ideas.

So, what about the actual tips themselves?

This book is a treasure chest of ideas. It has 539 tips in total. They range from oral sex tips for both men and women, to games you can play to make foreplay more fun (although I would have loved to see more games). It also has tips to make intercourse feel better and unique, ways to surprise your partner like “coming out of the shower with just a towel and playing with your wife,” and even some cool places to make love that most people would never have thought of. While I didn’t find all the tips exciting (which was expected), I found more than enough that appealed to me.

The tips are all mixed together, which can get a little overwhelming. I recommend you skim through the book a few times rather than trying to read the whole thing in one sitting.

This book also lives up to its promise of not containing any raunchy, degrading, immoral or perverted ideas that so many lovemaking books seem to have.

In conclusion, while not all the tips in the book amazed me and I would have been nice to see some more ‘games’, it’s still THE most complete book of tips and ideas on improving lovemaking I’ve ever read. Nothing else comes close. All in all, I found it very enjoyable to read and use :) So if you want to make your lovemaking exciting again or even if you just want some tips for more pleasure, then I highly recommend this book for you.

For more information about 500 Lovemaking Tips to go: http: //

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Why Goal "Setting" Doesn't Work

Read any personal development book and you are nearly always advised that "setting goals" is the main key to success. But why is it that so many people try goal setting, only to fail and become disillusioned with the idea?

The answer is because, while important, the actual "setting" of goals is only part of the process. Anyone can set a goal to be a billionaire by next Wednesday. It should be relatively obvious that you need to do a little more than just choosing something, then sitting back and waiting for the courier to arrive with it in a box.

This doesn't mean that goal achievement is hugely complex. In fact, it's relatively easy when you know all the pieces of the puzzle. The key is to understand and apply all those pieces.

Super-achievers don't just view their goals in isolation - they don't just set a goal, then go on with their life as normal. They have developed "goal-centered lifestyles," in which their goals are part of their day-to-day lives.

The benefits of choosing this way of life is that people are more focused, at peace with themselves, more financially secure, have fulfilling relationships, are happier and - of course - achieve far more than most people could even dream about. If they want to become rich, they do so. If they want to have a great body, they know how to make it a reality.

The sad fact is that only a small percentage of the population choose to live their lives this way. The rest choose the alternative, which leads them to life passing them by, and missing out on the great opportunities out there right now.

For more information on the differences between the goal-centered lifestyle (and the alternative that most people live by), visit: http://

Sunday, 11 July 2010

The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth

Highly positive results from the five Tibetan exercises
One of my hatha yoga students kindly gave me a copy of book 1 as a gift. A bit skeptical, I started to read it and was charmed by the story, intrigued as to whether the exercises would work. I gave it a try and even in the first week was amazed at the results. I am now up to doing the recommended 21 reps of each of the 5 positions. I have almost boundless energy... please click on the link below for all reviews.....

7 Days to Unstoppable Self-Confidence?

This could be the most important article
you'll ever read...

I know that sounds like a bunch of hype,
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You and I both know that self-confidence the
single most important component that separates
people who are successful from those who are not...

And I've just discovered something that
helps you significantly increase your self-confidence
in just 7 Days!

First let me ask you a few important, personal questions...

* Have you ever felt (or do you feel now)

that you lack Self-Confidence in certain

areas of your life?

* Are you afraid to start a new business,

change jobs or step out of your comfort zone?

* Are you frequently indecisive, or do you


* Do you have a fear of going on dates or

finding love?

* Do you find yourself at a loss for words

when you meet new people?

* Do you place other people’s opinions above


* Do you have trouble believing in yourself?

* Do you secretly fear if you ask for what

you want you will be rejected?

* Do you secretly fear that no matter WHAT

you do, your inability to be Self-Confident

will hold you back for the rest of your life?

If you answered "Yes" to any of the
questions above, then you already know that
low self-confidence is holding you hostage...

Here's the exciting news I have for you...

My friend Dr. Robert Anthony has an incredible
new program that is going to significantly
boost your self-confidence in just 7 days
-- guaranteed!

Trust me when I tell you that Dr. Anthony
knows what he is talking about -- his
original book 'The Ultimate Secrets of
Total Self-Confidence' is now published
in 22 foreign languages and has sold over
1.5 MILLION copies!

Dr. Anthony works with people all the time
doing rapid change work and here's the
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He rarely has to do more than one session!
The process he uses goes directly into your

Subconscious mind to make your Subconscious


Imagine how different your life will be

with Unstoppable Self-Confidence and go
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Don't miss out on this, check it out now --
you'll be thrilled you did...

Click here for more details ~> http://

To Your Success!

Confidential Publishing

P.S. You get to use the program completely risk-free for 60 days...

Click here for more details ~> http://

P.P.S. There's nothing to lose -- 7 Days from now you can
be on your way to everything that you want. Don't wait
another minute, your self-confidence depends on it...

Click here for more details ~> http://

Saturday, 10 July 2010

GuyGetsGirl Review: A Unique and New Approach to Attracting and Seducing Women for Men Written By a Woman

By now you’ve probably seen hundreds of guys all over the net promoting pickup and seduction guides, DVD’s and courses. And if you’re like me, you’ve probably even tried a few (in fact, I’ve probably spent a few thousand dollars on attraction and seduction education – including the seminars, books and stuff). Some of these ‘gurus’ peddling their wares know what they are talking about, but most don’t and are just in this industry for a quick buck.

In the best part of 10 years and after using dozens of guru’s material I didn’t come across ANYTHING written by a woman for men - until now.

I’ve finally found a collection of eBooks written by a woman – the author’s name is Tiffany Taylor. I bought access to Tiffany’s GuyGetsGirl site and instantly downloaded her 3 chunky eBooks which take you by the hand from beginner’s essentials like the importance of smiling, self-confidence up to the advanced heavily psychological stuff. There’s something in here for everybody whatever your level and lots of really powerful techniques I’d never heard of before.

I remember thinking to myself, “women don’t really know what women want, they just know what they THINK they want” but with this one I was wrong. She goes deep into the female psyche and really does expose a few “short cuts” and easy to press attraction buttons that are present in all women. And boy do they work.

I’d say this is probably the most unique and fresh approach to attraction and seduction I’ve seen in a very long time and it is well worth checking out if you have the money. If not and you want to increase your success with beautiful women, then SAVE UP and get this guide. You won’t regret it.


Click here to find out more information about Tiffany Taylors GuyGetsGirl site ~>

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

300 Creative Dates Book Review - Is it worth it?

Making a great first impression is everything on the first few dates. And there's no doubt that fun, creative and unique date ideas really help boost your points in the eyes of women. And if you’ve been together for years, dates help re-spark some life back into your relationship. But finding creative date ideas is the hard part!

So does Michael Webb's 300 Creative Dates book deliver on its promise as having creative, unique and fun dates?

Yes and no. Let me explain.

While there are 300 ideas in this book, you probably already guessed that you might not like or want to use all 300 of them. While many of the ideas are very creative, others are only a good reminder of places that everyone knows about but they either forgot or never realized that they’re such ideal places for a date.

Thankfully the, "I would-have-NEVER-thought-of-that-in-a-million-years!" ideas DO outweigh the date idea refreshers.

This book will make you smile, laugh and inspire you to always find the adventure in whatever it is you're doing.

It also has 'dating coupons' you can give to your partner to redeem at a later date. Three examples are: "Redeem this for a fruit-picking day at an orchard or berry patch, a one-hour bike ride or an evening at a nearby drive-in theatre.” Plus some you can use yourself.

Also, the book has a great section on dating disaster stories that will definitely show the guys what NEVER to do on dates.

So is the book perfect?

No. While there are 300 ideas, you really can't read more than 50-60 in one sitting before it gets tedious, and some descriptions are a little lengthy. However, pages 93-94 do have a nice list of bullets with 'quick and to the point' date ideas ready. No elaboration. If you're in the need of a date idea fast, then you'll love these pages. All in all, this is still a fantastic book that everyone should read!

Whether you want to impress that special someone on a first date, surprise them for a special anniversary or occasion, or just want to breathe new life into your relationship because it's getting a little on the bland side, then grab this book now.

For all the details, check out:

Thursday, 25 February 2010

What is Hypnosis?

While hypnosis is not a word we hear everyday, it is a word that many people seem to have a preconceived definition for. The most common thought is that hypnosis is an altered state of mind that brings the subject to a trance like state.

The rest of the definition not quite as well known is subject is vulnerable to suggestions in order to change their lives. When combined this is a correct assumption and a rather accurate description.

However hypnosis entails more than just the trance like state you see depicted in many movies and television shows, it is a deep and complicated relationship held between hypnotist and subject that comes complete with a desired set of goals to achieve.

Hypnosis is an altered state of mind. When a subject is under hypnosis they are much more responsive as they experience their inner world the subject’s thoughts and ideas become more vivid and actionable through the art of suggestion and language.

The responsiveness in a hypnotic trance is much more sensitive than that of a normal state of being; thoughts and suggestions presented by you, the hypnotist, will become part of your subject’s inner world creating a pallet for you to work with and mold into the desired outcome.

This is important to remember, because as you sharpen your skills as a hypnotist you will always be affecting your subject, everything that becomes a part of your clients inner world will eventually become a part of their outer world as they put your hypnotic suggestions into action.

Another thing that hypnosis is is a very natural way of being, it is not magical or strange, and in fact many people spend a large amount of their days in hypnotic trances, as you learn to entrance people you will start to notice those around you who are experiencing hypnotic trances in everyday life.

An example of an everyday experience that can often result in a hypnotic trance is driving. Many times we get behind the wheel and know where we started, and suddenly we are at our destination. We don’t recall how we got there or any of the events that happened along the drive, this is a hypnotic trance.

The rhythms we are used to, such as the feel of the car, can relax us to the point that our subconscious takes over and does the work for use while we, excuse the term as many like to call it, ‘zone out’. This may sound strange at first but when you really consider all the activities we do everyday we have been conditioned all through out our lives to enter hypnotic trances.

Have you ever watched a movie and later realized that the only thing in your mind and field of vision was a 15 inch screen, obviously you can see the rest of the room, people, cat and dog while focusing on the screen but the concentration and trance that is produced makes it seem as though the only thing that exists in the room is that little screen and the action it is producing.

Reading a book, we often get lost in the story and never realize what the ‘real world’ is doing around us. As you read you experience changing emotions, happiness, fear, suspense, sadness and tears. This interaction with the words and information being relayed to your mind alters your state of mind and becomes a hypnotic process in itself.

There is almost always the effect that the book you are reading will change either your mood, emotion, ideas and ultimately could change how you live your life, such is the objective of a hypnotist.

This emotional response is unconscious, the changing of your emotions, ideas and life, is one of the fundamental and guiding themes when learning hypnosis. You have no choice in your emotions, you do not get to choose how you feel about a thing, it is simply a conscious response by your unconscious mind as a reaction to the suggestions you are presenting to yourself.

Hypnosis can and usually will result from any repetitive task you enjoy engaging in. Runners experience runners high, they alter their mind and experience a trance like state while their body works they feel healthy and alive. Entering this altered state of mind is a form of self hypnotherapy which is a very powerful place to put yourself, and a powerful thing to be able to accomplish for yourself.

For more information please visit~>