Thursday, 15 October 2009

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness


'Hot stuff ... an idea whose time seems to have come' --Bryan Appleyard, Sunday Times


'Hugely influential .... choice architects are everywhere'

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success in Work and in Life, One Conversation at a Time

Fierce Conversations is a way of conducting business. An attitude. A way of life. Communications expert Susan Scott maintains that a single conversation can change the trajectory of a career, marriage or life. Whether these are conversations with yourself, partner, colleagues, customers, family or friends, Fierce Conversations shows you how to have conversations that count. Scott reveals how to: * Overcome the barriers to meaningful conversations * Express who you are and what you believe * Confront tough issues with courage, confidence and sensitivity * Overcome fear to get to the heart of the problem * Inspire followers, attract believers and build visions that become reality * Bring about real change through talking * Encourage others to reveal their true opinions Packed with exercises and questionnaires to help you have the best conversations possible, Fierce Conversations will revolutionise the way you communicate.

About the Author

Susan Scott has spent sixteen years training clients in the art of fierce conversations. She maintains an international consulting firm Fierce Conversations Inc. She provides programmes to CEOs and executives. She lives in Seattle, Washington.

Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success in Work and in Life, One Conversation at a Time

Monday, 12 October 2009

Think Like Da Vinci: 7 Easy Steps to Boosting Your Everyday Genius

Think Like Da Vinci: 7 Easy Steps to Boosting Your Everyday Genius

'Buy it. Read it. Live it!' TONY BUZAN 'By capturing the very essence of Da Vinci's life and genius- the seeming perfect integration of mind, body, spirit and soul- Michael Gelb guides us in a discovery and understanding of the boundlessness of our own full human potential.' DEEPAK CHOPRA 'A brilliant and practical guide to awakening and training our vast, unused resources of intelligence and ability! Get this book and stick with it.' TED HUGHES

Product Description
New edition, including a new introduction by the author, of this inspiring guide to developing your full potential. A perfect buy for the business market as well as those wishing to explore their power of their brain, this book shows you how to imitate Leonardo Da Vinci's thought processes and so enhance your aptitude in every area of your life. Learn how to fulfill your true potential by developing the thought processes used by Renaissance master Leonardo Da Vinci. Simply by imitating his insatiable quest for information and experience, we can all enhance our own aptitude in all facets of our lives. Michael Gelb discusses the seven fundamental elements of Da Vinci's thought process and offers practical ways to incorporate them into our own lives. The techniques outlined in the book help readers to develop the same traits of whole-brain thinking, creative problem solving and continuous learning, all of which are vital in today's world. Numerous exercises, anecdotes and illustrations help readers to master these techniques and create a personal and professional renaissance of their very own.

Think Like Da Vinci: 7 Easy Steps to Boosting Your Everyday Genius

Thursday, 8 October 2009

The Buzan Study Skills Handbook: The Shortcut to Success in Your Studies with Mind Mapping, Speed Reading and Winning Memory Techniques

The Buzan Study Skills Handbook: The Shortcut to Success in Your Studies with Mind Mapping, Speed Reading and Winning Memory Techniques (Mind Set)


"The perfect guide for any student who wants to get more from their studies, improve their brainpower, consolidate their concentration and learn from the master of memory - Tony Buzan." -

"The perfect guide for any student who wants to get more from their studies, improve their brainpower, consolidate their concentration and learn from the master of memory" - Epigram

Product Description

In Buzan's Study Skills, three of Tony Buzan's most enduring subjects - Memory, Speed Reading and Mind Mapping - are combined in a single guide to enable students to make the most of their studies.

Improve grades, make more effective notes, plan better essays, make associations between different subjects, have at-a-glance notes and records for easy revision, learn how to use effective memory techniques to recall information and increase reading speeds up to 1000 words per minute.

The perfect guide for any student who wants to get more from their studies, improve their brainpower, consolidate their concentration and learn from the master of memory - Tony Buzan.

The Buzan Study Skills Handbook: The Shortcut to Success in Your Studies with Mind Mapping, Speed Reading and Winning Memory Techniques (Mind Set)

Monday, 5 October 2009

How A Tap Can Change Your Life


All the basics of EFT are right here on this page. It is easy to learn but once you apply it to your problems, you'll see it's effectiveness seems almost miraculous.

Your biggest stumbling block is likely to be how to begin. What problem do you treat first? If you've never done EFT before, try starting with something easy. You know what your big issues are so avoid them while you're still getting comfortable with the five steps.

The most important thing is to start someplace. There is no one right way to begin. There is no one right way to address a problem. There is nothing you should do first. Give it your best shot and see what happens. If you do something wrong, the worst that can happen is nothing changes.

The Five Basic Steps of EFT

1. The Setup:
Decide what feeling, emotion or pain you wish to treat. Be specific.

2. The SUDS Level:
Rate the intensity on a 1-10 scale. A rating of 1 means it barely registers while a 10 means it hurts so much you can�t think of anything else. Rate the feeling as it exists NOW.

3. The Affirmation or Setup Phrase:
You want to find the sore spot which is located on your pectoral muscles, a couple inches in from the top of your armpit. It's called a sore spot because it's actually sore for most people when they rub it.

Lightly rub the sore spot in a circular motion while repeating three times,

Even though I have this ________, I deeply and completely accept myself.

This is considered the standard affirmation but it�s by no means the only usable affirmation. Say it with feeling even if you don�t believe it�s true.

If you are in a situation where saying the affirmation out loud might cause a problem, you can say it silently.

4. The Tapping:
Gently and quickly tap each of the seven spots shown on the chart about seven to ten times.

As you tap, state out loud "this ____________." Fill in the blank with whatever word(s) you used to fill in the blank in the affirmation. You don't say the entire affirmation while you tap. Tapping harder or longer generally doesn�t make this process work better or faster.

1. Under Eyebrow

2. Side of the eye

3. Under Eye

4. Under Nose

5. Chin

6. Under the Collarbone

7. Under Arm

5. The Re-evaluation:
Examine what you just treated and give it a new SUDS rating. If your SUDS level has gone down or stayed the same, redo the above steps but change your affirmation slightly to Even though I still have some of this _________, I deeply and completely accept myself.

If the feeling, pain, emotion or condition you are treating has changed to something different after tapping, as it often does, give the new feeling a SUDS rating and re-do steps 3 -5.

If additional issues pop up during a session, treat them. Don�t quit too soon. Don�t settle for feeling "a little better." Keep tapping until your SUDS level is at 0 and you feel really good about your issue.

To Buy The Book ==>> Tap Here