Friday, 29 May 2009

The Secret of The Most Successful People on The Planet:

The Secret of The Most Successful People on The Planet:

Click Here!

All conditions in life are created by consciousness. You manifest exactly what you perceive. If you try to express abundance towards another while seeing lack in them, you will perpetuate conditions of lack in your experience with them. In order to experience abundance, you have to perceive abundance. If your world really was abundant, then you'd expect that others have more than enough to give to you for what you give to them, and you'd receive joyfully knowing that they'll keep having more themselves…


Click Here!

That is why people who have wealth consciousness keep getting wealthier compared to the rest of the world. They have the freedom to charge for whatever they do according to the amount they believe it is worth, even when it is to people who try to tell them they are charging too much, or should not be charging at all. It is because wealth conscious people perceive their reality as abundant and do not allow themselves to be affected be the perceptions of those that come from a limited consciousness…

Click Here!

If everyone in these world was wealth conscious and freely gave money to others and freely received it when it is appropriate, then everyone would be as wealthy as they could be. This is because energy would flow freely and hence everyone would be able to experience what they desire without holding back from paying for it, and others would not hold back from paying them for what they contribute. The economy would be much smoother and the progress of the entire world would advance extremely fast…

==>Click Here!

Thursday, 21 May 2009

My Computer is Faster than your Computer!

My Computer is Faster than your Computer!

You may have the fastest Computer in the world. But, mine is faster!

About now you will probably be saying this guy is out of his mind. Not Really, I am just talking about a different type of computer. One that is completely organic.Your brain!

Our computers run at fantastic speeds these days. We have the ability to gain tremendous amounts information in just a fraction of a second. And our brain ( WOW! What a device to have at our fingertips!) It can assimilate and transfer information much faster than the fastest computer.

But what restricts information flow coming from your computer and getting into your Brain? Well, most of us read, or maybe you have learned to speed-read. But these are still too restrictive for you to be effective.

What would you do if I told you that there is a way to open that restriction up, so that you heighten your information flow? Would you be interested in doing that? What if I told you that you would also gain memory, mental clarity, enhanced decision making powers, and more,… as added benefits that simply come along for the ride?

This training has only been available to the wealthy,… until now.

You too, can now have the FASTEST Computer…

Want to Know More?... ==>>

Click Here!

Thursday, 14 May 2009

10 Ways To Rekindle The Magic In Your Relationship

10 Ways To Rekindle The Magic In Your Relationship

By Michael Webb

To visit his website ==>> Click Here!

Are you frustrated that your relationship doesn’t
have the magic and romance that it once had?

You’re not alone.

Living with the same partner for a long time can
become stable and comfortable, and, as a result,
can also kill the spark that made your relationship
so special in the first place.

Here are some simple, fun and creative ideas to
reignite that magic:


Get a piece of paper and some crayons. Draw a
bright childlike picture with a smiley sun and two
stick figures holding hands. Add labels with your
two names pointing to the stick figures. Write ‘I
Love You’ inside a heart. Next get a large formal
envelope. Place your drawing inside and type up a
formal address label of your partner's workplace,
such as: “For the immediate and urgent attention
of: Rebecca Jones, Level 20, Collins & Smith
Solicitors, New York.” Mail it to your partner so
they receive it in the middle of a busy day.


If you are walking by a park, visit the swings and
give your partner a ride. This will often bring
back happy memories from their childhood.


On a hot summer’s day, buy two large water pistols
and take them to the beach with you. Pull them out
and throw one to your partner and then have a huge
water fight.


Buy a small, decorated cardboard box, a sheet of
colored tissue paper, some massage oil and a blank
card. Line the box with the tissue paper. Place the
massage oil in the box and write the following
message on the card: I know a great masseur. For an
appointment call: (Your Phone Number)


Contact your partner's family and ask if there was
anything she always wanted when she was a little
girl. For example if she always wanted a porcelain
doll, buy one for her birthday. She will not only
appreciate the gift, but also the fact that you
were thoughtful enough to find out what she always
wanted. You can do this for your man too.


Drive into the country, find a grassy hill, and lie
with your partner and look up at the clouds.


Trace out the shape of a large love heart in the
sand. Sit inside the heart and cuddle your partner
as you watch the sun go down.


Spread a picnic blanket on the ground and get
together some snacks, chocolates and champagne. Lie
down on the blanket with your partner and gaze up
at the stars together.


Leave a long-stem rose where your partner will find
it, with a note on it saying: "Thank you for coming
into my life."


Probably the most profound way to rekindle the
romance in your relationship is to spice up your
lovemaking. Surprise your partner with a little
gift after you make love, try a new position, learn
to give your partner a sensual massage before or
after, or just spend some time staring into each
other’s eyes and caressing their bare skin before
making love.

Many people underestimate the affect passionate and
intimate lovemaking has on a relationship. If you
spice it up, chances are you and your partner will
naturally do romantic things for each other. Why?
Because passionate lovemaking connects two people
in a meaningful and unexplainable way that nothing
else can.

About the Author:

Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the author of 500
Lovemaking Tips, a book full of ways to spice up
your lovemaking, adding more passion, pleasure and
intimacy to your experience. To read more, visit his website ==>> Click Here!

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Is Hypnosis Real? Is It A Sham?

A lot of people who begin their research into hypnosis often ask the question “Is hypnosis real?” This is a very valid question, and is not one that should be dismissed.

The answer is of course that hypnosis is very real, but with hypnosis being an unregulated industry, there are a number of so called “gurus” and “hypnotists” who really don't have a level of training that is consistent with more professional hypnotists.

This can of course lead people to believe, after one or two failed attempts with hypnosis, that hypnosis doesn't work. The reason hypnosis fails is never because hypnosis doesn't work on the person. Everyone can be hypnotized, despite what some hypnotists may say. It simply comes down to the skill of the hypnotist concerned.

Recent research into hypnosis has shown that people can be broken into two “suggestibility” types. These include physical and emotional suggestibility. One easy way to think of it is that emotional suggestibility is more common to people who are introvert, whilst physical suggestibility is more common to people who are introvert.

Hypnosis has come a long way within the past thirty years. What was once a field that was used merely as a way to treat psychological ailments and for entertainment, has now become a field that can be used to persuade people to do many, many things.

Traditionally, hypnosis was used very directly, and it is still used in this manner today by many hypnotists. The fact of the matter however, is that only physical suggestibles respond to direct suggestions. Emotional suggestibles respond to indirect suggestions, and it wasn't until the time of Dr. Milton Erickson that a new discreet form of hypnosis began to emerge.

Erickson devised ways to use hypnosis in discreet settings, in a way that co-operated with a person, as opposed to a way that worked against them. Erickson allowed the apparent 50% of the population that “couldn't be hypnotized” to be hypnotized. So when people ask “Is hypnosis real?” just remember that it may be due to a failed experience by a hypnotist who wasn't aware of this new suggestibility typing.

In order for someone to be hypnotized, their suggestibility typing must first be identified. Once this is done, inducing someone into a state of hypnosis becomes a very easy process.

So as you can see, the answer to the question “Is hypnosis real?” is a definite “yes”, however it comes down to the skill of the hypnotist concerned as to whether or not hypnosis will be effective on you, now whether or not “is hypnosis real”.

If You Would Like To Learn The Secrets
Exposed By A Rebel Master Hypnotist
That Can Make People Do Almost
Anything You Desire

Go to ==>>How To Hypnotize People Without Them Knowing.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Subliminal Persuasion Techniques

By Michael Lee

Subliminal persuasion is the way of getting another party to agree with you without outwardly doing so and without the other person noticing that you were trying to persuade him or her. A lot of people do not even notice that they have been won over by a simple smile - thus, making even that a tool for subliminal persuasion. It is essential in becoming an influential leader.

You can subliminally persuade another person through two techniques: via his or her own words, and via inflection, or the particular words we give emphasis to in a given statement. A simple sentence like "I can't assure you that" can have a lot of meanings, depending on which word you have inflected. See the examples below.

I can't assure you that. (But somebody else probably can)

I can't assure you that. (No way that will happen!)

I can't assure you that. (But, if you're lucky, you might get it.)

I can't assure you that. (But I can if it's somebody else.)

I can't assure you that. (Maybe I can assure you something else.)

Giving off what we mean via inflection is subtle. It will also help spare you from being overtly direct, especially if you're the type who hates the thought of turning someone down. Understanding which words to emphasize will save you from this awkward moment (yet you still get to have things go your way).

Another way to subliminally persuade other people is to have them eventually agree with you without them noticing it (because they thought it was their idea). This is a rather tricky method of persuasion and not many people might agree with it. But, hey, it works!

When negotiating, repeat what the other person said and then show how you will be able to achieve what they want for them. Be consistent so you don't run the risk of contradicting yourself. As long as you have what the other party needs, you hold an advantage.

Here's an example. Let's say you're trying to sell used cars to a friend. After listening to the other person tell you what he or she is looking for in a used car, emphasize the items being sought in the vehicles you have in your roster. It will be difficult for the other party to say 'no' since you already have what he or she said he or she needed. This is what subliminal persuasion is; and when employed the right way, it works like a charm every time.

There's nothing bad about using such clever persuasion techniques to get what you want. That's the way life is played. This is how the rest of the world operates. The important thing is always go for the win-win resolution. If your persuasion skills are powerful enough (and even cunning enough), you'll have no trouble winning people over.

Some like to call this influence; some argue this is foolery. However you might choose to view it, it is effective. And it won't be a surprise if you attempt to employ these effective strategies in the future; that is, if you haven't already applied them in the past.

About the Author:

Michael Lee is the author of the highly-acclaimed How To Be An Expert Persuader... In 20 Days or Less. This power-packed course reveals mind-altering persuasion secrets to turbocharge your earnings, win lots of friends, captivate the opposite sex, and make anyone subconsciously like and trust you. If you want to easily and quickly persuade anyone to eagerly do anything you want, go to now! Special surprise gift awaits you. ==>>
Click Here!

Monday, 4 May 2009


How will you benefit from knowing a little known
SECRET Hawaiian system for WEALTH, HEALTH, PEACE and more? “In only a few short hours watching and practicing what you’ll learn on these videos, you can learn how to attract miracles in your finances, relationships, health, career – or any other part of your life…GUARANTEED!

Dr. Joe Vitale, star of the Secret, and author of the #1 bestseller, The Attractor Factor (Second Edition), Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, The Key and many others.
Dear Friend, In a minute or so, I’m going to show you how to gain access to a set of downloadable DVDs (and bonus CDs) that captured the most life-changing event I ever facilitated. (The things that happened at this event still give me goose bumps when I think about them.) I’ve been reluctant to make these videos available to the public as people spent thousands of dollars to travel to this event from every continent on the globe. I’m about to give in due to public demand and tell you more about this event and where you can get access to these videos, but first I want to ask you some very telling questions. Let’s get started… Do you EVER feel controlled by past beliefs you have about yourself? Do you ever say things to yourself like…
  • “I could never do that”
  • “I’m not smart enough”
  • “I’ll never be wealthy”
  • “I’m always sick”
  • “I’m too fat”
  • “I’m unattractive”
  • “If I start my own business I’ll fail”
  • “I can’t earn more than my parents”
  • “I’m a loser”
  • Or any other limiting beliefs and thoughts?
If so, don’t feel bad.

Once you CLEAR YOURSELF OF LIMITING BELIEFS ABOUT YOURSELF, you can easily and effortlessly live a life filled with miracles in every area of your life.
Here is just a small sample of what you’ll learn from this incredible 2-day Zero Limits experience...
  • The story of the most unusual therapist...Dr. Hew Len, and the truth about his work
  • Five questions you absolutely, positively must answer
  • Who you really are
  • What a problem is and where it is
  • How problems are REALLY solved
  • The purpose of existence
  • What is the difference is between data and "zero"
  • How to erase the trash you possess
  • The importance of getting to “zero”
  • Three states of being and how they affect you
  • Why you need to help yourself – not others
  • The importance of gratitude
  • The four elements of the mind
  • Who the creator is
  • How to use your super conscious
  • Why you don't decide anything
  • The meaning and use of the word Hawaii
  • A guided breathing exercise that will amaze you
And if that is not enough for you – THERE’S LOTS MORE! For full details ==>> Click Here!

Sunday, 3 May 2009

My Computer is Faster than your Computer!

My Computer is Faster than your Computer!

You may have the fastest Computer in the world. But, mine is faster!

About now you will probably be saying this guy is out of his mind. Not Really, I am just talking about a different type of computer. One that is completely organic.Your brain!

Our computers run at fantastic speeds these days. We have the ability to gain tremendous amounts information in just a fraction of a second. And our brain ( WOW! What a device to have at our fingertips!) It can assimilate and transfer information much faster than the fastest computer.

But what restricts information flow coming from your computer and getting into your Brain? Well, most of us read, or maybe you have learned to speed-read. But these are still too restrictive for you to be effective.

What would you do if I told you that there is a way to open that restriction up, so that you heighten your information flow? Would you be interested in doing that? What if I told you that you would also gain memory, mental clarity, enhanced decision making powers, and more,… as added benefits that simply come along for the ride?

This training has only been available to the wealthy,… until now.

You too, can now have the FASTEST Computer…

Want to Know More?...

Click Here!