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"The perfect guide for any student who wants to get more from their studies, improve their brainpower, consolidate their concentration and learn from the master of memory - Tony Buzan." -
"The perfect guide for any student who wants to get more from their studies, improve their brainpower, consolidate their concentration and learn from the master of memory" - Epigram
In Buzan's Study Skills, three of Tony Buzan's most enduring subjects - Memory, Speed Reading and Mind Mapping - are combined in a single guide to enable students to make the most of their studies.
Improve grades, make more effective notes, plan better essays, make associations between different subjects, have at-a-glance notes and records for easy revision, learn how to use effective memory techniques to recall information and increase reading speeds up to 1000 words per minute.
The perfect guide for any student who wants to get more from their studies, improve their brainpower, consolidate their concentration and learn from the master of memory - Tony Buzan.
The Buzan Study Skills Handbook: The Shortcut to Success in Your Studies with Mind Mapping, Speed Reading and Winning Memory Techniques (Mind Set)HOW TO DO EFT
All the basics of EFT are right here on this page. It is easy to learn but once you apply it to your problems, you'll see it's effectiveness seems almost miraculous.
Your biggest stumbling block is likely to be how to begin. What problem do you treat first? If you've never done EFT before, try starting with something easy. You know what your big issues are so avoid them while you're still getting comfortable with the five steps.
The most important thing is to start someplace. There is no one right way to begin. There is no one right way to address a problem. There is nothing you should do first. Give it your best shot and see what happens. If you do something wrong, the worst that can happen is nothing changes.
The Five Basic Steps of EFT
1. The Setup:
Decide what feeling, emotion or pain you wish to treat. Be specific.
2. The SUDS Level:
Rate the intensity on a 1-10 scale. A rating of 1 means it barely registers while a 10 means it hurts so much you can�t think of anything else. Rate the feeling as it exists NOW.
3. The Affirmation or Setup Phrase:
You want to find the sore spot which is located on your pectoral muscles, a couple inches in from the top of your armpit. It's called a sore spot because it's actually sore for most people when they rub it.
Lightly rub the sore spot in a circular motion while repeating three times,
Even though I have this ________, I deeply and completely accept myself.
This is considered the standard affirmation but it�s by no means the only usable affirmation. Say it with feeling even if you don�t believe it�s true.
If you are in a situation where saying the affirmation out loud might cause a problem, you can say it silently.
4. The Tapping:
Gently and quickly tap each of the seven spots shown on the chart about seven to ten times.
As you tap, state out loud "this ____________." Fill in the blank with whatever word(s) you used to fill in the blank in the affirmation. You don't say the entire affirmation while you tap. Tapping harder or longer generally doesn�t make this process work better or faster.
1. Under Eyebrow
2. Side of the eye
3. Under Eye
4. Under Nose
5. Chin
6. Under the Collarbone
7. Under Arm
5. The Re-evaluation:
Examine what you just treated and give it a new SUDS rating. If your SUDS level has gone down or stayed the same, redo the above steps but change your affirmation slightly to Even though I still have some of this _________, I deeply and completely accept myself.
If the feeling, pain, emotion or condition you are treating has changed to something different after tapping, as it often does, give the new feeling a SUDS rating and re-do steps 3 -5.
If additional issues pop up during a session, treat them. Don�t quit too soon. Don�t settle for feeling "a little better." Keep tapping until your SUDS level is at 0 and you feel really good about your issue.
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Everyone seems to strive to be ‘successful’ in life. We all look to apply the ‘Law of Attraction’ to gain ‘success’.
But what is ‘success’? What makes you successful, and what makes you a ‘failure’?
To answer this question, let’s first take a look at our world. Our societies are completely focused on our five senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. Our five senses are constantly stimulated. They are enticed and exploited all the time.
It is therefore no surprise that we tend to focus our minds on materialism 24 hours per day. We tend to focus all the time on big cars, big houses, lots of money in the bank, and so on.
There is nothing wrong with that in itself. Neither does this mean that being ‘spiritual’ equals being poor and living in a dump. That doesn’t make sense either. The problem is not with the ‘material’ objects themselves. I’ll get back to this later.
First, I’d like to know this… So many people want to ‘attract a new car’. But what is it with cars anyway? Somehow the car has become a symbol of status, of ‘success’. I know a number of people (even some well-known ones) who are so obsessed with their cars, they even give names to their car.
A friend of mine had a car and was really proud of it. He called this car ‘Infinity’. Another friend of mine doesn’t care the least bit about what kind of car he drives. Still, he needed to buy a car the other day to be able drive to work. But because he didn’t really care about it, he simply bought the first set of wheels that he liked even just a bit and of which he thought the price was right for him. “If I can drive to work and back with it, then that’s a great car for me”, he thought.
He bought himself a pretty old car to be honest. It certainly didn’t look that fancy. The other friend would have dubbed it a piece of junk. But this guy couldn’t care less. In fact, he could see the fun of it. In response to my other friend who called his car ‘Infinity’, this guy decided to give his car a name too. He called it ‘Finity’.
I kid you not, this is a true story. What it illustrates is the relativity of ‘status’ and ‘success’. What one person would consider being dignified, could be considered by the next person as pathetic.
Like I said, the trap is not with material objects themselves. These are just frequency patterns anyway. The problem comes when we see those objects as the ultimate goals and the very symbols of success that confirm whether we ‘made it’ in life or not.
It is for this reason that many people look to others to confirm to themselves if they are ‘doing well’ or if they are ‘successful’. When you don’t succeed in terms of big houses, big cars, big money, you are often considered as a ‘failure’, and often consider yourself as such.
The whole system thrives on consumption and the constant expansion of consumption, and the more we consume, the more we are considered to be ‘successful’. This even leads to many people borrowing more of what they don’t have and getting in even deeper trouble, simply to provide themselves the very things that should testify to others of their alleged ‘success’.
So is this the kind of ‘success’ you are looking for?
What if I told you that the real success you are looking for is not having all kinds of material stuff, but is actually called ‘happiness’?
After all, why would you want a lot of money, or a big house, or a big car? Why would you want others to approve of you? In the end it all comes down to a desire for a sense of security and happiness, and being able to live life on your own terms. The quest ends when you’re happy and fulfilled.
But when are you happy and fulfilled?
Here’s a hint from what a wise man once said:
“Money and fame do not happiness make.”
Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with having a lot of money, or being well-known, or having big cars and big houses. These are all thought fields and are just experience. The problem is that so many people get absorbed in pursuing the material ‘dream’ that they forget about why they are doing that in the first place.
I believe it was John Harricharan who said this:
“Most people are so busy trying to make a living, they forget to make a life.”
He’s right. Most people are ‘human doings’ instead of ‘human beings’.
The funny thing is that the greatest payoff from trying to get what you want through working with the ‘Law of Attraction’ comes from a state of being. It is a state of happiness, contentment and love and gratitude for what IS that gets you what you truly want.
At any rate, the greatest payoff from your attraction efforts does certainly not come from an obsession with ever more material stuff in the merry-go-round that gets faster by the day, for the sole reason to seek approval and confirmation of your ‘success’ from others, in order to compensate for a lack of self-esteem that is the cause of this obsession to begin with.
A sense of security, self-esteem and ‘success’ is found within yourself, not outside.
And the funny thing is that once you give up the obsession with possession and finally acknowledge your true self, the person who you really are deep inside, you seem to manifest what you want much more easily.
When that happens, you can enjoy all kinds of material stuff as much as you like, if that’s what you choose. You can choose to have a big car if you like. You can choose to live in a big house if that’s what you want.
The difference is that you won’t be controlled by the never-ending pursuit of these things. You won’t be ‘on the path to happiness and success’ anymore. You would just BE happy instead, and from there you will allow things to manifest instead of chasing them forever. It’s a small difference in perception, but with profound effects.
It is then that you will start to live life, instead of life living you.
So what is ‘success’?
Success, my friend, is what you define it to be.
Now go manifest your success, whatever that is for you!
Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram are the instigators of the alleged ‘Great Revolution’, which provides the members with truthful instructions regarding the universal principles of life.
The Revolution is receiving increasingly widespread attention for its straightforward explanations and instructions with regard to complex issues, which are made understandable for people from all walks of life. In essence, the true secrets of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and the other ‘Universal Laws’ are explained in much clearer and practical ways than the 'enigmas wrapped in riddles' that usually characterize the descriptions of the Law of Attraction and its application.
More information on the Great Revolution, on joining and on the ‘universal principles of life’ (the true ‘Universal Laws’) can be found at ==>>
So why are you interested in the ‘Law of Attraction’ anyway?
Obviously, it’s about doing what you really want to do with your life.
We’ve said it repeatedly, quoting the wise man’s adage:
Money and fame do not happiness make.
Of course, they may help in being happy. For example, it’s pretty nice not having to worry about money. Let’s face it… Most people like money. And others like fame, and many like both.
The thing is… money and fame are usually merely external confirmations of the fact that you’re being happy and doing what you want with your life already.
If you are, money and fame are usually no issues anymore. You either don’t care about them because you’re being happy anyway. Or (many times) they may come as side-effects, or symptoms caused by the fact that you’re already being happy with yourself and your life.
That’s where the principle of being happy and grateful for what happens to you and the situation you’re in is relevant.
Clearly, money and fame are really different things compared to the desire for money and fame. The desire for implies that you’re not being happy and grateful right now, thinking you need money and/or fame in order to be happy and do what you want with your life.
This underlying feeling of needing (and thus the deeply-engrained feeling of lack) determines what you send out… the frequency you broadcast if you will. And this frequency ‘attracts’ a like frequency, and this is the mechanism through which needing pushes things away in a very small nutshell.
Anyway, this is something we’ve talked about more at length in other articles, so we’re not going to repeat this anymore.
In this article we want to get into something a bit more concrete… something more practical to use in your life. This might sound simple, but upon deeper thought it may just be the greatest word of advice of all time…
You know, according to the American physicist, philosopher and management expert Danah Zohar, doing what you really want with your life requires what she calls ‘Spiritual Intelligence’. It’s about your own, personal, deeper actuating motives.
Zohar says that self-development and purpose/meaning are principles that are central to spiritual intelligence. When you’re in touch with your own ‘inner universe’, you can develop your talents and give full scope to your natural gifts.
As such, you’ll live the life that fully matches who you are (which is not necessarily the life that others think you’re supposed to live). Within yourself, you’ll discover your own actuating motives and what really inspires and animates you.
Zohar says that when you manage to live your life from that inspiration, you’re quite a happy person. This pretty much connects to what the American psychologist Abraham Maslow (who came up with the so-called ‘hierarchy of needs’ aiming to explain human motivation) called ‘self actualization’.
According to Maslow, self-actualization is the ultimate state of human development, a spiritual condition in which people are creative, ‘playful’, and tolerant. And if you’ve read our books and articles, you know that these are the very conditions that facilitate the extent to which you can ‘work’ the ‘laws of the universe’ (if you want to call them that).
And you know what? There’s actually a specific group of people who can teach us a lot about this state of ‘creativity’, ‘playfullness’ and ‘tolerance’, or rather ‘spiritual intelligence’...
These people are children. Kids are almost the very paragon of spiritual intelligence.
Of course, this doesn’t mean we should all start behaving in infantile ways. However, we can start to look at the world more like children do. We could start to re-invent and re-discover the qualities that we so often lose in the process of what’s called ‘growing up’ and ‘becoming adults’.
Those qualities are:
Being open
Being genuine
Eager to learn
Feeling adventurous
Wonder and astonishment on the least things…
And not to forget: unconditional love.
Let’s face it… People who are living life like this are pleasant company, both to themselves and to others.
Spiritual intelligence has got nothing to do with religion or faith. Of course, both are fine if pursuing them makes you feel good inside, if pursuing them is your own choice if it’s not imposed on you by others.
No, spiritual intelligence is about self-reflection and intuition. There’s a difference between what many consider ‘being spiritual’ and ‘spiritual intelligence’.
You can do reiki, qigong, meditation, burn incense, do rain dances in wildlife outfits all day and read books about ‘spirituality’. And of course that’s all fine if that makes you feel good.
However, ‘spiritual intelligence’ rather refers to making the choices that suit you and actually consciously experiencing and feeling the satisfaction and feeling of fulfillment and self-realization that come with that.
That’s what’ll make you happy.
So what’s potentially the greatest advice of all time?
Be open. Be adventurous. Be curious. Be eager to learn. Be genuine, not least to yourself. Don’t judge. Acknowledge the wonder of life and the amazing experience it brings.
After all, it seems so real, doesn’t it?
In the words of the late comedian Bill Hicks:
“The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think it’s real because that’s how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it’s very brightly coloured and it’s very loud and it’s fun, for a while.
Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question, is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, “Hey – don’t worry, don’t be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride...”
And we kill those people.
“We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and my family. This just has to be real.”
Just a ride... But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok.
But it doesn’t matter, because it’s just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It’s only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money.
A choice, right now, between fear and love.”
So what’s your choice?
Remain childlike. And enjoy the ride!
Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram are the instigators of the alleged ‘Great Revolution’, which provides the members with truthful instructions regarding the universal principles of life.
The Revolution is receiving increasingly widespread attention for its straightforward explanations and instructions with regard to complex issues, which are made understandable for people from all walks of life. In essence, the true secrets of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and the other ‘Universal Laws’ are explained in much clearer and practical ways than the 'enigmas wrapped in riddles' that usually characterize the descriptions of the Law of Attraction and its application.
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How To Define Procrastination To Get The Most Out Of Yourself
How do you define procrastination? For many people procrastination is something that they associate and identify themselves with far too easily. The challenge is that once you identify with a behavior (positive and negative) it becomes part of who you are and your experiences and actions are filtered through this identity.
We can define procrastination as "task aversion" which is the irrational delay of an intended course of action. Translated from the original Latin meaning, procrastination quite literally means 'in favor of tomorrow'. As human beings we are always pursuing ways of being better off - everything we do, we do with a positive intent. Although procrastination seems to contradict this fact, it actually illustrates a very important point. What we do, or fail to do, is not purely the result of our conscious choices, but often the result of factors we are not aware of consciously. When you procrastinate, at some level of your unconscious thinking, you believe that taking the action will leave you worse off than actually taking the action.
To change this negative tendency, you need to do two things. Firstly you must remove the association and 'attachments' that you might have with procrastination. Realize that you are NOT a procrastinator. Although you might procrastinate at times, you cannot afford to limit yourself by defining yourself by your behavior. Secondly, you must redefine procrastination in such a way that it will motivate and empower you instead of limiting you.
The way we define things for ourselves will determine the way we interact with it. If you see procrastination as a chronic problem that you were born with, then it is likely that you will struggle with it all your life. If you define procrastination as a bad habit that you need to deal with at some point in the future, then it will control you. If you see procrastination as something you cannot overcome then you will probably be right.
If you define procrastination as a negative tendency that you choose to put aside, then you will be empowered to take action despite procrastinating. Whether you CAN do something is rarely the result of your ability. It's almost always a case of motivation. Motivation is nothing but an inner drive that compels you to action, and gaining leverage on yourself is a powerful way to find the necessary motivation.
There is a definition of procrastination that can do just that. I choose to define procrastination as the thief of time. When you think about it you will realize just how true it is because procrastination is what keeps you immobilized and stuck in inaction. Time is your most valuable and your most precious asset. People go to extreme measures to protect their money and their possessions, but do very little to 'protect' their time - the one thing that money can never buy. Learning to value your time, is a powerful strategy for overcoming procrastination and getting the most out of your life. When you value something you will look after it and protect it.
Your time is limited. Have you ever wondered how many days you have in your lifetime? At first blush you might guess that it is a hundred thousand or even a million. In fact, if you grow to be 70 years old your entire lifetime will only have 25 550 days. If you are 30 now, then you've only got another 260 000 hours left - and a third of this will be spent sleeping.
You have just as much time as Bill Gates, Mother Theresa, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey or any other person on this planet. The only difference is in the way you use your time. Don't allow procrastination to steal your most precious asset.
Instead, see procrastination as a call to action. It is likely that what you are procrastinating about is something that you 'must' do. See, what we don't do and what we don't face controls us. But when you face it and you do it, you liberate yourself and it no longer has any control over you. If you have this sense of urgency and awareness that your time is precious, then you won't allow the thief of time to hold you down. What you get out of yourself does not rely on your ability. It relies on how much of your resources you can get access to and this is almost exclusively a psychological exercise. By changing how you define procrastination for yourself you can start to change this internal conversation and empower yourself to take action and make things happen.
About the Author:
Deon Du Plessis from Overcoming-Procrastination.Com is a former chronic procrastinator who never managed to get anything done. He now teaches some of the most powerful strategies for overcoming procrastination in A Course Of Action, a FREE online course.>>>> You can Enroll Here