Monday 13 December 2010

Introvert Personality

Do you hover on the fringes of parties? Get tongue-tied in work meetings? Struggle to make small talk?
Despite what other people might think, you’re probably not anti-social or unimaginative. It’s likely you’re an introvert — but in society’s eyes, that’s much worse.
Thanks to a tsunami of self-help books and so-called ‘confidence gurus’ we’ve been conditioned to admire and emulate the extroverts who dominate the party and rule the roost at the office.

Be proud not being loud

J.K. Rowling says she's one. So too is Gwyneth Paltrow. 

Click on this link to find out why experts say it's introverts who are quietly triumphing at work and at home

Friday 10 December 2010

how to have a happy marriage

American scientists believe they've found a mathematical formula for the perfect marriage. Scientists at the "Love Lab" or the Relationship Research Institute in Seattle, Washington claim their predictions have 94% accuracy.
The formula was developed using data collected from a mountain of videotaped conversations between couples. Physiological data, such as pulse rates, also was collected and analysed.

Click here to read more : What is your formula for lasting love? How do you keep the romance alive?

Thursday 9 December 2010

Self Confidence Tips

The new year is a time when we look forward to the year ahead, but also tend to examine last year's failures and successes. Everybody suffers from low self esteem at some point in their lives, but the feeling that we may have 'failed' at something over the past year can make us feel even less confident.
Experts believe that women are more prone to a lack of self confidence than men. Approximately eight out of 10 women are thought to suffer from a lack of self confidence, compared to just five in 10 men. 'This is because women have to ward off more attacks on their self esteem on a daily basis,' says Dr Roy Bailey, a psychotherapist with his own practice in Buckingham.

Click on this link for the full article: how to boost your self confidence in 7 days

Thursday 2 December 2010

Anger Management Techniques

Feeling angry? How a spoonfull of sugar sweetens your mood.
The next time you are nearing the end of your tether, consider some time out with a chocolate bar.

High sugar levels can help control aggression and prevent loss of temper, researchers have found.
Their study compared the behaviour of sugar-starved volunteers with those who had been given a sweet drink, and concluded the latter were less inclined to snap.